The main objective of this special session is to present the research from different areas of Computer Networks and Wireless Communication, Modulation and coding, Detection and estimation, 5G Wireless Systems, Waveforms, Millimeter waves communications, MIMO, Massive MIMO, Spac-time coding, Precoding, Source coding for wireless communications, Compressed sensing, Network coding and Physical layer network coding, Machine Learning for communications, Stochastic geometry modelling, Cooperative networks and relaying, In-bandfull-duplex radio, Interference cancellation. This special session provides a platform for researchers and scientists across the world to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of electronics and information technology. This special session also provides an opportunity to interact and establish professional relations for future collaboration. The special session aims to promote innovations and work of researchers, engineers, students and scientists from across the world on Advancement in Computer Networks and Wireless Communication. The basic idea of the special session is what more can be done using the existing technology. In Today's world Computer Networks and Wireless Communication plays an important role for future's innovation. The special session on Biomedical Engineering and Electronics invites unpublished original papers exploring recent advances and developments in the Multi-disciplinary applications of Bio-engineering and Bio-informatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Electronics. The main objective of this special session is to bring together both experts and new-comers to discuss novel and exciting issues in these areas. We encourage submission of methodology papers describing new challenges and techniques as well as application papers discussing the power and applicability of these novel methods in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Engineering.
We invite original and un-published research contributions based on the above-stated theme including following topics but not limited to:
Please submit your paper (in word format) at, with 'Special session on Intelligent Systems using Wireless Systems and Biomedical Signal Processing' mentioned in the subject line